Minecraft bee pollinating a poppy flower in a green landscape with surrounding mountains.


Buzzy Bees Trailer

Buzzy bees are here!

As pollinators, bees have a very important role in many aspects of the ecosystem that is now being threaten by climate change. In connection to the release of this trailer Mojang started a partnership with WWF to help raise awareness about the importance of bees.

one bee and two baby bees waking up in their nest
one bee and two baby bees flying out from their nest into a warm morning forest
POV or point of view from a minecraft bee overseeing a green landscape with surrounding mountains
POV from a bee rushing towards a poppy flower before another bee
POV, close to ground from a bee rushing towards a poppy flower before another bee
A bee from top view surrounded by grass
Minecraft bee pollinating a poppy flower in a green landscape with surrounding mountains.
Villagers with honey in a sunny minecraft village
Minecraft tapping honey from a bee hive surrounded by hugh crops.
bee party in sunset
bee going home during sunset
bee arriving home during the night
bee and its baby bees going into their hive for the night.
bee and baby bees going to sleep for the night



Mojang Studios


Svep Studios


Johannes Sande


Elias Widerdal
Mojang - Sofia Orrheim

3D Lead

Fredrik Ekholm

Art Direction

Johannes Sande
Mojang - Martin Johansson
Mojang - Ninni Landin

3D Generalist

Johannes Sande
Erik Norrhede
Albin Ljunghusen

Animation Supervisor

Christoph Schinko

Character Animation

Christoph Schinko
Bruno Buzinkay

Storyboard Artist

Magnus Jonason


Red Pipe